Friday, January 21, 2011

Cooking My Way Through Life

As a new mom, I find myself wishing for more hours in the day. My little guy is quite the active one and craves my undivided attention. I remember not too long ago envying women that stayed home with their children and not realizing what it really meant to be at home full-time with a baby. Please do not get me wrong, I know how fortunate I am to be at home with my child but at the end of the day, I am drained especially by the time dinner rolls around. I try to get to the grocery store over the weekend and plan meals for the week but most of the plans I come up with are of the same old dishes I have made over and over again. What tends to happen is the weekly grocery store visit doesn’t happen which then leaves me with two choices – to either order in or scour the pantry for a quick and edible concoction. Good thing my hubby is pretty easy-going and doesn’t mind the occasional frozen pizza or whatever else I come up with. With that said, this is where an idea for my blog comes into play.

I have always wanted to start a cooking blog but just did not know where to start until now. Thanks to my Social Media Marketing class assignment! Starting a cooking blog is not as easy as it sounds. Sure, I recreate a bunch of recipes and then let you know if I liked them but photography is another important element of a successful cooking blog. A well-taken picture of a “right-out-of-the-oven” chocolate chip cookie or lasagna oozing with gooey cheese should thrill your taste buds and make your mouth salivate. So, along with recreating and reviewing my favorite chef and family recipes, I will also learn how to take great photos and pass my knowledge down to you, as well as, some cooking tips I learn along the way.

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